Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh glorious day!

I may be the happiest girl on the planet.

Today was my first day of freedom from cafe hell. I have already wasted too much time talking about my horrible, spirit crushing, mind numbing job, so all I will say is that I feel free, finally. And quitting means that I am that much closer to leaving!

Today was a wonderful first day of unemployment. I did nothing important, and I haven't been this happy in a while. I dyed my hair, almost ruined it a few times, but none fell out. I read. I drew. I went book browsing and had coffee and a lovely life chat with a lovely friend, thank you MF.

Its fall and its beautiful. I am so very happy that I have time to soak up wonderful days like this.

"I just want my life to be true. & I just want my heart to be true. I just want my words to be true.
I want my soul to feel brand new."
-The Avett Brothers


  1. glad to hear that the birdcage door was open for you to finally escape from Barista'ism. glad to be a part of your journey within your travels to Korea. respect.

  2. see by the time i got to look at your blog it didn't just have a one post but TWO! not lame at all :)
    i'm so excited for you and your upcoming adventures. come over and we'll make soup before you leave. my mom sent me home with butternut squash and a pumpkin...it'll be so yummy.
